
The Irrigation Crop Diversification Corporation (ICDC) conducts field demonstrations with producer co-operators across Saskatchewan to field-test ideas that come from irrigators, industry, research at the CANADA-SASKATCHEWAN IRRIGATION DIVERSIFICATION CENTRE (CSIDC), and other sources.

ICDC partners with CSIDC, SIPAAGRIARM, members, irrigators, commodity groups, agri-business, and government. These partnerships bring together many specialists to work to address current issues facing irrigators and fulfill ICDCs objectives and vision.

ICDC is a private, not-for-profit organization directed by a board of Saskatchewan irrigators. ICDC was established by the IRRIGATION ACT 2019. A levy on irrigated acres and support from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture allows ICDC to conduct and co-operate in research and demonstration relevant to Saskatchewan’s irrigators.
ICDC transfers the knowledge gained from its research and demonstration through ANNUAL PUBLICATIONSWORKSHOPS AND FIELD DAYS, the annual irrigation conference, and its AGM.